Following the talks the IMF released a statement wherein it vowed to “support Sri Lanka’s efforts to overcome the current economic crisis by working closely with the authorities on their economic program, and by engaging with all other stakeholders in support of a timely resolution of the crisis.”

Under pressure from the civil society and with increasing international attention on the continuing crisis, Sri Lanka engaged in talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from April 18-22. Between April 9 and 11, the country recorded three more deaths in fuel queues. Three months of an acute economic crisis has left the Sri Lanka’s markets without essentials like diesel, milk powder and medicinal drugs. At Galle Face, where the president’s office is located, sign boards have been renamed ‘Gotagoma’ or ‘Gotago village’, highlighting the central role of the president in the ongoing difficulties faced by the country. A tent city has emerged outside the office of Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa where large-scale demonstrations have been taking place for more than five days to demand his resignation.